Labor Day

Here are some fun ways to celebrate Labor Day:

Have children dress as the job they would like to have when you grow up.

Invite parents to speak to children about their jobs.

Have children research different kinds of jobs: what work conditions are like, how much they are paid, how long they have to study, etc.

  • Have children write thank-you cards to people in their community whose labor affects them:
  • Write to local firefighters and police officers.
  • If dining out on Labor Day, give a card to the server.
  • Have children mail thank-you cards to their pediatrician/nurse, vet, and dentist.
  • Attach a thank-you card to the trash and recycling bins for the people who collect them.
  • Give a thank-you card to the next repair person who comes to the house.
  • Give a thank-you card to the mechanic the next time the car gets checked.
  • Hand a thank-you card to the clerk when buying groceries.
  • Give thank-you cards to the school custodian, cafeteria workers, and specials teachers.
  • Mail thank-you cards to members of the military.
  • Give a thank-you card to a school or city bus driver.
  • Mail a thank-you card to a local farm.
  • Mail thank-you cards to the nurses, doctors, and ambulance drivers at a local hospital.

If children need guidance on creating cards, they can use the templates below: