The Chariot of Fire

Have you ever had someone you look up to? Someone who helps guide you and gives you good advice? Maybe a special teacher, grandparent or friend who means a really lot to you. Perhaps even someone who trained you to take over a special job when they were done with it.

Elijah would not serve as Israel’s prophet forever. One day he would go home to God. He needed to train his replacement.

One day as Elijah was walking he found a dozen men working out in the fields with their oxen. The last man in the row was Elisha. Elijah knew this must be the man God had prepared as his replacement. It might have been because their names were so similar…but much more likely it was because God had let him know he was the right person for the job!

Elijah took his coat and threw it over Elisha’s shoulders. Everyone there knew who Elijah was. And just like when Jonathan gave his coat to David, everyone knew what Elijah’s action meant. Elisha had been given a great honor in being chosen to follow in Elijah’s footsteps.

Elisha quickly ran back home, kissed his parents goodbye, gave up everything he owned, using it to feed his neighbors, and chased after Elijah, jogging to catch up to him.

Elijah became Elisha’s mentor. That means that Elisha learned from him, just like Samuel learned from Eli.

Years passed. A new king sat on the throne of Israel, and a new king sat on the throne of Judah. One day, Elijah told Elisha that God wanted him to go to Bethel, “But you stay here,” he said. But Elisha insisted that he would not leave Elijah’s side.

In Bethel a group of prophets asked Elisha, “You do realize that the Lord is going to take your mentor away, don’t you?”

“Don’t remind me!” he replied. “I don’t want to think about that.”

Once they reached Bethel, Elijah told Elisha that God wanted him to travel to Jericho, “But you stay here,” he said.

“No!” Elisha insisted. “I must go with you.”

So they travelled to Jericho where another group of prophets asked him if he knew the Lord was about to take away his mentor.

“Don’t remind me!” Elisha protested again. “I don’t want to think about it.”

Once they got to Jericho, Elijah told Elisha that God wanted him to cross the Jordan River while he stayed behind. Again, Elisha insisted he would not leave Elijah’s side.

Fifty prophets followed the two men at a distance as they approached the Jordan River.

When they reached the river, Elijah took off his coat and rolled it up. He struck the river like a whip and a path opened up for them to walk across.

“Elisha,” Elijah turned toward his student as they reached the other side, “the Lord will take me home soon. I want to do something special for you before I go. What do you wish from me?”

Holding back the tears in his eyes, Elisha replied, “I would like twice as much power as you pass on to the other prophets, please.”

Knowing it was not his gift to give, Elijah sighed, “If God allows you to see me being taken away, that will mean He is giving you that blessing.”

When they reached the river, Elijah took off his coat and rolled it up. He struck the river like a whip and a path opened up for them to walk across.

The two men continued to walk when out of nowhere a chariot of fire appeared, pulled by horses that looked as if they were made of fire.

After so many years of serving Him faithfully, God was rewarding Elijah with a ride directly to heaven. He would not have to die, but instead climbed into the chariot where a strong whirlwind whisked him upward.

Overwhelmed by the sight before him, Elisha fell to the ground, weeping and tearing at his clothes. But gently down from the sky fell Elijah’s coat. Elisha picked it up and returned to the Jordan River.

“Does this mean God is going to perform the same miracles for me that He did for Elijah?” Elisha wondered to himself.

He decided to find out right away. He rolled up the coat and struck the river, just as Elijah had done. The river parted! The prophets on the other side watched this and realized Elisha had been granted the same power from God.

Elisha no longer had his friend and mentor by his side, but he had God’s Spirit working in him, and with God, he would never feel alone.
