Woman at the Well

After the Jews had returned from their captivity in Babylon, they learned that some Israelites who stayed behind had mixed their beliefs with the religions of their neighbors. These people became known as Samaritans. The Jews and Samaritans continued to disagree with each other and over the years they became enemies.

By the time of Jesus, Israel was divided into three major parts: Galilee in the north, Samaria in the middle and Judea in the south. The Samaritans lived in Samaria and many Jews disliked them so much, they would travel between Galilee and Judea by taking the long way on the east side of the Jordan River to avoid them.

But when Jesus had to make this trip He traveled through Samaria. This brought Him to a well built by Jacob (grandson of Abraham, father of Joseph) many centuries ago.

It was a hot day and at noon Jesus sat at Jacob’s Well while His disciples traveled into town to get food. No one came to get water in the middle of the day because it was too hot. But Jesus saw one woman coming with a water jug. Jesus asked her, “Would you please give me a drink of water?”

“Get You water?” the woman asked in surprise. “Are You really talking to me, a Samaritan woman, when you’re a Jew and our people hate each other?”

But Jesus simply smiled at her. “You don’t even realize who I am…or who sent Me. If you did, you would be the one asking Me for water. I have water that gives life.”

The Samaritan woman didn’t understand what Jesus really meant. “You think you can get water without a bucket?” she scoffed. “This is a deep well. It’s the very well our ancestor Jacob dug for us. I’m sure you don’t think You’re better than him!”

“This is just temporary water,” Jesus explained. “You drink from it now, and in a few hours you’ll be thirsty again. The water I give takes away your thirst forever. It’s like having a flowing fountain inside of you that never runs dry.”

Jesus wasn’t really talking about literal water, but the Samaritan woman didn’t understand that. She got excited and asked, “Please give me some of this water! I’d love it if I never had to come to this well again.”

To show her who He is, Jesus then told her what her sins were. She knew He couldn’t have known these things about her on His own, and thought Jesus must be a prophet.

“Tell me then,” she asked, “who is making sacrifices to God in the correct place, the Jews in the temple or the Samaritans on our mountain?”

“The Jews understand who it is that they are worshiping,” Jesus replied. “You Samaritans do not. But soon—no, actually the time is almost here!—there will be a new way of connecting with God. And you won’t argue about things like where to make sacrifices, because you will be worshiping God in spirit instead. You need to understand that God is Spirit, and the Spirit of God will lead those who worship Him according to the truth.

“We’ve been waiting for God to send us the Messiah,” the woman said. “We know that when He comes, He will explain everything we need to know about God.”

“That’s Me,” Jesus told her. “I am here to explain everything to you.”

Before, people found God in a special place—the temple—but now they would find God in a special Person—Jesus.

Jesus wanted this woman to understand that He didn’t live in a building, or on a mountain, or on an altar. He had come to live in people’s hearts.

The woman was so excited for the news that Jesus shared that she went and told everyone she knew what had happened.

“This man knows everything I’ve ever done,” she said. “He knows my deepest, darkest secrets, my worst sins…and He still loves me and wants me to follow Him.”

Jesus stayed in the town for two days, teaching the people there about God’s message. Many people put their faith in Him.

“We came to hear Jesus because of what you told us about Him,” they told the woman. “But after hearing Him preach, we realize that He is the Savior of the world!”
